Why It’s Best to Purchase Pet Meds from Your Local Vet
With convenience in mind, many pet owners look to online and mail-order pharmacies for their pet meds. This is actually a big mistake. When you choose to purchase pet meds from anywhere other than your local veterinary clinic, you’ll end up sacrificing quality, service, and reliability in the name of convenience.

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Pet Meds from the Local Veterinary Clinic

1. Guarantees
Many veterinary pharmaceutical companies only honor warranties and guarantees on medications when a pet’s medications are purchased from a veterinarian clinic’s in-house pharmacy.
For example, as long as you are giving your dog heartworm medication as directed, our pharmaceutical companies will cover the cost of treatment if your dog tests positive for heartworms. We deal directly with our company because they know us and are more likely to cover issues that online pharmacies don’t have the capability to handle, and often give consumers the run around.
The convenience to return and/or exchange is much easier at your local vet’s office.
2. Better Care
Your local veterinary clinic truly cares about your pet’s well-being and treatment outcome. As a result, we use the utmost care to provide high-quality prescription medications along with ongoing follow-up exams and dosage adjustments. If you experience any issues with results or with administering the medications, we’re always here to help and make any necessary adjustments.
3. High-Quality & Product Integrity
With online pharmacies, you don’t really know what you’re going to get, whether the medications have been stored properly, or whether they’re made from quality ingredients. When you purchase pet meds from us, you can rest assured, knowing you’ll receive a product with integrity.
Online pharmacies can be overwhelming with all the choices of medications. We carry products that we use on our own pets, so rest assured we are confident in what we dispense.
4. Accurate Dosing
When purchasing pet meds from our veterinarian, the prescription travels directly from our veterinarian to our staff member who fills your pet’s prescription, and then our front desk team double-checks that the medication was properly filled before you leave. In other words, there’s little chance your pet will receive an incorrect medication or dosage.

5. Rebates
Sometimes, pet owners are concerned that medications from the veterinarian might be more expensive. We offer patients rebates and coupons when they are available. Plus, when there is an actual price difference, the variation in cost is usually directly related to quality. For this reason, cheaper medications might not be equal.

High-Quality Pet Meds with Convenience from Eastwaye Veterinary Clinic
At Eastwaye Veterinary Clinic, we strive to provide our patients with complete care by offering prescription pet meds and prescription diets from our in-house pharmacy. We welcome you to talk with our veterinarian or staff about purchasing your pet medications from our veterinary clinic or setting up easy prescription options for pets who are receiving ongoing pharmaceutical care.